Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults L1&2 (Adult Support & Protection)

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About Course

Welcome to the Safeguarding Adults L1&2 course (Adult Support & Protection). This course is designed to teach adult social care workers the key principles and best practices for keeping adults safe. It covers all the necessary information for level 1 and level 2 requirements, as set by Skills for Health’s CSTF standards.

It’s important to remember that local policies and guidelines must always be followed, and all staff need to know and follow their organisation’s rules.

The second part of this course encourages learners to think about their beliefs and talk openly with service users about the sensitive topics of self-identity and how it affects self-worth, self-esteem, and well-being. Respecting each person’s uniqueness and dignity is at the heart of person-centred care. Sexuality and spirituality are key parts of a person’s individuality. The course further covers sexuality, and intimacy, including legal issues that may come up in Care Homes. Lastly, it looks at spirituality and what it means to different people.

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What Will You Learn?

  • By completing this course, students will be able to:
  • Understand safeguarding basics
  • Identify and know how to report and document safeguarding concerns.
  • Provide appropriate emotional and practical support to victims of abuse, and understand whistleblowing processes.
  • Ensure adults' online safety and recognize signs of modern slavery.
  • Recognize the importance of self-identity, well-being, and the role of individuality in care settings.
  • Acknowledge and support differences in identity, sexuality, and spirituality in person-centered care.

Course Content

Module 1: Safeguarding Adult

  • Learning Outcomes
  • What does safeguarding adults mean?
  • What is an ‘at risk’ adult?
  • Roles and responsibilities of the multidisciplinary team
  • Types of abuse
  • Avoiding abuse and neglect
  • Online safety
  • Reporting and responding to abuse and neglect
  • Documenting safeguarding concerns
  • Whistleblowing
  • How to support a person who has been abused
  • Summary

Module 2: Supporting Identity and Wellbeing in Care Homes

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